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- 張揖平、洪明欽、李雪真(2005.),「GARCH模型之選擇權風險值計算-以台灣加權股價指數選擇權為例」,風險管理學報(2004年11月已獲接受)。
- Wen-Tao Huang and Yi-Ping Chang, (2005. ), “Some empirical Bayes rules for selecting the best population with multiple criteria”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,(Accepted). [SCI-EXPANDED]
- Yi-Ping Chang, Ming-Chin Hung, H. Liu and J. F. Jan (2005.12), “Testing Symmetry of a NIG Distribution,” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 34(4), p.851-862.[SCI]
- 洪明欽、張揖平、孫銘誼、王思芳 (2006.3),「資產相關性在信用投資組合風險管理上之運用 - 以台灣市場為例」,金融風險管理季刊,第2卷,第1期,頁83-96。
- Chung-Gee Lin, Yi-Ping Chang and Yong-Chun Lin (2006.6), “An Efficient GARCH Options Pricing Model - a Gaussian Quadrature Approach,” Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 44(2), p.171-186.[EconLit][JEL][ e-JEL]
- Wen-Tao Huang and Yi-Ping Chang (2006.7), “Some Empirical Bayes Rules for Selecting the Best Population with Multiple Criteria,” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(7), p.2129-2143.[SCI]
- 沈大白、張揖平 (2006.9),「新巴塞爾協定對國內中小企業影響之實證研究」,金融風險管理季刊,第2卷,第3期,頁89-112。
- 洪明欽、張揖平、尹晟龢、盧昆輝(2007.9),「違約機率校準方法之穩健性研究」,金融風險管理季刊,第3卷,第3期,頁41-59。
- 洪明欽、張揖平、陳昱陵、陳和貴(2007.12),「信用評分模型區別力之穩健性研究」,金融風險管理季刊,第3卷,第4期,頁1-23。
- Yi-Ping Chang, Wen-Tao Huang and Hsiuying Wang (2008.1), “ ε-admissible estimators for normal and Poisson means,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 37(8), p.1181-1192.[SCI]
- M.K.P. So, C.W.S. Chen, J.Y. Lee and Y.P. Chang (2008.2), “An empirical evaluation of fat-tailed distributions in modeling financial time series,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 77, p.96-108.[SCI]
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