蕭維政 助理教授

學術專長 : 高維度資料分析、模型選擇、穩健性迴歸、迴歸樹
校內分機 : 3634
辦公室 : 4209
電子郵件 : hsiaowc@scu.edu.tw
研究室 : 4209



樊采虹/審閱, 沈冠甫, 楊棋全, 王義富, 蕭維政/編譯, 商用統計學 Groebner, Shannon, and Fry: Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 9/E, 普林斯頓出版社. 2014


  1. "Inference about binocular sensitivity and specificity of screening tests for paired organs," with Tsung-Shan Tsou, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020, 29, pp. 1950-1959.
  2. "Interval estimation for a first-order positive autoregressive process," with Hao-Yun Huang and Ching-Kang Ing, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2018, 39, pp. 447-467.
  3. "Likelihood inference for correlated binary data without any information about the joint distributions," with Tsung-Shan Tsou, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017, 46, pp. 2151-2160.
  4. "Robust regression modeling via parametric likelihoods: an alternative to using the skew t distribution and several rank-based methods," with Tsung-Shan Tsou, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 2014, 40, pp. 109-132.
  5. "Splitting variable selection for multivariate regression trees," with Yu-Shan Shih, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2007, 77, pp. 265-271.



  1. Consultant for Industry-Academia Cooperation/Collaboration Project (with United Microelectronic Company, :聯華電子): 關鍵機台選取, 檢視及其在高科技業品質管理之應用, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Jul. 2015 - Feb. 2016
  2. Adjunct Instructor, Army Academy R.O.C. Sept. 2009 - Jun. 2012 (Courses taught: Calculus and Applied Statistics)


  1. 109年度科技部專題研究計畫,【適應性高維時間序列交互模型選擇】,主持人,計劃編號:MOST 109-2118-M-031-001。
  2. 108年度科技部專題研究計畫,【累積預測誤差在選擇高維度選模方法上的應用】,主持人,計劃編號:MOST 108-2118-M-031-001。